A few years ago, a brilliant student at WM started an "Overheard at William and Mary" group on Facebook -- essentially a forum for students to post the ridiculous things things they hear students, faculty, employees, tourists, etc. say. Context is usually irrelevant, and most posts are hysterical only because they are read out-of-context. Anyways, I must admit that this site is one of my guilty pleasures. It never ceases to amuse me, and each day always provides at least one or two memorable gems. Plus, it is an amazing form of reassurance that the student body at WM hasn't changed -- that we are and will always continue to be TWAMPS (for the illiterate in WM lore: TWAMP=Typical William and Mary Person). #TribePride now and forever.
Earlier this week, a friend of mine posted an Overheard that has since received 56 comments and 553 likes. If something could be "trending" on Facebook, this would be. And the gem that she posted and the resulting conversation made my heart so proud to be a 1. TWAMP and 2. an IR Major:
the marketplace: "Seriously, the botetourt complex is the Soviet Union
of campus. They're the largest in number, they're bound together by
mutual despair, and they'll crush anyone who gets in their way."
- ... and that's the reason why I love W&M. #TWAMP