After a few days in Bath, the three of us are heading to the Continent for a little rest and relaxation in the forms of Paris and Rome :) [Which, funny story, the majority of my JSA friends here at St. Andrews are also going to Paris and Rome, just on different days that I am. Honestly, we all should have coordinated that better! I don't know, I just find it incredibly ironic that we all planned essentially the same Spring Break trip for ourselves haha] Paris has been at the top of my destinations list for quite some time - really since the beginning of high school, so it really is a dream come true to be really going there! I studied French all throughout high school and for several semesters into college, and for some reason have just never made it to Paris, or anywhere in France for that matter. After idealizing Paris for so long, I can't believe that I am actually going there in a few short days! Crazy! I am really hoping that some of my French will come back to me while I am there. It would be really amazing to speak French confidently in Paris ♥
Rome has also been on my list of places to go. I am excited for its rich history - it's going to be so cool to walk around a city full of ancient ruins (ahhhh!), remnants of the Roman Empire, and absolutely beautiful architecture and art (like the Sistine Chapel!). Rome was the "center" of the world for a significant part of world history - and I'm going there! ahhhhhh! (Plus, it's going to be warm there (high 60's/low 70's). I'd be lying if I said that temperature/climate didn't contribute to our spring holiday destination decision :P)
Adieu mes chères! I can't wait to share my stories with you when I return!
Avec un cœur plein d'amour (c'est très poétique, n'est-ce pas?)
P.S. French pop music just came up on my iTunes. Appropriate? I think so. (and yes, I do listen to French pop music... :) )
P.P.S. Photo 1: This perfectly describes what is going to happen when I see Sarah. :) :) [Plus, we both love Heffalumps, so its completely appropriate]
Photo 2: Courtesy of Google Image search :)
i love the heffalump picture :)
ReplyDeletecan i just say
1. please enjoy some gelato in Rome. especially Straticella? spelling, oh well. SOOOOO GOOOD!! just don't order the 18 euro size that my brother did. haha my family had some every night... then again, it's us.
2. OMG TWINS REUNITED!!!! i miss you both, btw, in my life. all the time. haha :D
3. PARISSSSSSS!!! drink champagne. haha oh, and eat a pain au chocolat, my personal fave while I was there last summer. ANDDDD the crepes. YES. so good. ahahahaha
AHHHHHHH have so much fun!!!!! I CANNOT WAITT to stalk pictures and see your adventures!!!!