Privet Drive. The ominous fog makes the nighttime even more hoary and mysterious than usual here in suburban Britannia. Out from the shadows of God-knows-what-dimension, steps the oldest wizard in the books, the near-dead-Dumbledore. He is clearly a powerful beast, and walks with dignity despite his age and attire....
Okay. So I may have just included a quote from the viral Youtube series, "Wizard People, Dear Reader"..... okay, I admit it. I did. Simply, because the title of this entry, my note to my readers, reminded me of the title of the series [which, if you haven't ever seen it, I highly recommend that you do. It is a parody of the first Harry Potter movie with a surprisingly large number of highly entertaining one-liners].
Anyways, my dear Reader, I apologize profusely for my inattentiveness to you and your reading needs. The last several weeks here have absolutely flown by, and here I am facing the very end of the semester. I finished my last exam on Wednesday (which I promise to detail the ridiculously intense Scottish examination system shortly), and I can't believe that I only have seven days left here in beautiful St. Andrews. St. Andrews has come to feel like my college home now, and I cannot even begin to describe how much I will miss seeing all my JSA friends everyday. Its really strange for me to think that I may never see some of them again once we return to our various parts of the United States; though, it is really cool that I now have friends who live all over the country - from California to Milwaukee to Vermont to Texas, and of course Virginia! These people have made my study abroad experience be the absolute best it could be - THANK YOU! Its definitely going to be a little bit lonely this summer without seeing the 12 of them all day long!
Thankfully, I am not leaving this spectacular city just yet, so in my seven remaining days of playtime, expect lots of blogging to be accomplished! (well, that's the goal anyways....)
And here's to you dear Reader, who have stuck with me for so long on my adventure during this collegiate invention called study abroad. Your support and interest means so much to me! Thank you.
Much love, hugs, and kisses,
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